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Tamale Factory tour - Aug. 12, 2017

The Tamale Factory tour came off quite well on Saturday. Seven cars nine people. This was a black Car tour.  we had four blacks two Reds and one white.  We picked up Shaun Browning in Ward, with his great looking black Turbo.  I got to be the sweep, for a change, and listen to all the great sounds of cars in front of me.

Thanks to Paul Fleming for leading and doing some paperwork, and Kathy Riordan for doing the Observer report. We were able to drive at a reasonable? Pace by keeping Leadfoot Connor in the middle of the pack.  Good thing we got there early, there was a line out the door when we left. The food was great, and we had intelligent? Conversations at the table.

Then it was on to the Bulldog Drive Inn in Bald Knob, for some ice cream, and a smooth ride down US 67 home.

Club Tour to Mt. Nebo - Oct. 29, 2016

We had a great turn out. 9 cars, 15 folks, weather was very nice!

Club tour to Queen Wilhelmina State Park - Sept. 27, 2016

Members on the drive were John Showalter and Jan Branch, Ken and Deb King, Ed Tullos, Alan Stanich and Betty Stephenson